Music on the move

If you have attended or exhibited at a professional craft show you may have seen a dapper gentleman with a harmonica in hand, and several in cases around his neck, waltzing around the show floor.  It took me two years of seeing him at nearly every show I was participating in until I agreed to construct a beaded vessel version of a case to add to his extensive hand-made collection.  Artists from all over the world refer to him fondly as “Hoff the Harmonica Case Man”.  And his one-of-a-kind harmonica case collection is no joke–he has already had exhibitions of the set and will be having a book published in the future.  Be on the lookout the next time you’re at a show because you may even be lucky enough to hear him play a little tune:



Here are some informal studio shots of my harmonica case!  I’m pretty proud of this creation and I am sort of wondering why I put off making it for so long…


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2 thoughts on “Music on the move

  1. Oh my gosh, my husband and I know Hoff the Harmonica man! We do about 35 art shows a year and have had the opportunity to meet him many times. My husband Coco made a metal case for him out of soldered forks. It was such a great experience. Your piece is stunning! I would love to see his entire collection in person, wouldn’t you?

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